Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I graduated!

My friend Amanda and I (l-r) at our college graduation

We are nurses! And it only took us 4 years (and $40,000 in loans) to get an 18-month degree (read the fine print in the 18-month degree brochure - 18 months AFTER two or more years of prereq clases!)
And we don't really feel that much smarter, but hey, if they say were nurses, then by-golly, we're nurses! Who are we to question the GREAT EDUCATION AUTHORITY? (if you knew us, you'd know that was FUNNY!)

We still have to pass the NCLEX (the national nursing licensure exam - its a killer!)- her in June, me in July though. Then we'll be able to get really stressfu jobs where peoples lives are in our hands, so we'll have a little bit of money to pay back the $40,000 in loans. Ain't life grand?!

Anybody need a shot? Staples removed? Wound debrided?

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